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Nacionalna država je suverena država koja samostalno prepoznaje svoj politički legitimitet kao suvereni entitet za nacionalnu državu kao suverenu teritorijalnu jedinicu.[1]

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  1. Jedna definicija (na engleskom jeziku): "All attempts to develop terminological consensus around nation resulted in failure", concludes Valery Tishkov, "Forget the 'nation': post-nationalist understanding of nationalism" Ethnic and Racial Studies, 23.4, 2000:625-50, p. 627. Walker Connor, "A Nation is a Nation, is a State, is an Ethnic Group, is a . . . ," Ethnic and Racial Studies 1 (October 1978): 377-400, discusses the impresion surrounding the characters of nation, Sovereign state, nation-state, and nationalism Connor, who gave the term ethnonationalism wide currency, discusses the tendency to confuse nation and state, and to treat all states as "nation-states". Sheila L. Crouche, Globalization and belonging discusses "The Definitional Dilemma" pp85ff.